U.S. Patent Law for European Patent Attorneys   "Live-Webinar" (e)

Overview of US patent law, from filing a patent application, through examination, all the way to issue (grant) of a US patent. Further topics are appeal and post-grant proceedings.


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This webinar covers the Basics of US patent law. US patent law includes many practices that diverge from common practice in European patent law. Here, we focus on key differences and engage participants in multiple practical examples. We proceed, step by step, from filing a US patent application, through examination, and to appeal and post-grant proceedings before the USPTO and the US courts with a focus on formalities, fees, deadlines and other information that is particularly relevant for European patent attorneys entrusted with matters before the USPTO.

Course description

This event will be held online - i.e. directly at your workplace. You will receive the access data shortly before the event. During the webinar, you can send your questions to our experts at any time via chat or in advance. Even after the event, we are always available to answer your questions.


After successful completion of this webinar, you will be presented with a certificate.

Taught by







Audrey Nickel

Senior Manager

SEP Technical Analysis bei Nokia in München



  • Legal basis for US patent law
  • USPTO structure and leadership
  • Types of US patent and corresponding US patent applications
  • "Provisional" patent applications
  • Continuing applications: Divisional / Continuation / Continuation-in-Part
  • Application materials
  • Information Disclosure Statements (IDS) and the “duty of candor”
  • Inventor’s Oath or Declaration
  • Foreign Filing License
  • Office Actions (Non-Final / Final)
  • Responding to Final Office actions: AFCP und RCE
  • Responses to substantive arguments (novelty, inventive step / obviousness)
  • Practical examples: Arguments for novelty, non-obviousness, unity before the USPTO
  • Calculation of deadlines and fees ("2-Month Rule")
  • Appeals, pre-appeals, and petitions
  • Issue (grant) and patent term ("Patent Term Adjustment")
  • Maintenance fees
  • Post-Grant Proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) at the USPTO
  • Infringement and nullity proceedings before the US Courts

Target audience

  • Patent attorneys

  • Patent attorney candidates

  • Lawyers

Seminary times

09.00 - 10.30 Uhr and 11.00 - 12.30 Uhr
2 x 90 minutes - directly on your pc